Wednesday, April 2, 2014


"The primary influence on women's fashion in the 1940's was war. The effects of war would not only influence fashion in the 1940s, but would set fashion — from that point on — on a divergent path from which had been on before. On September 1st of 1939, German invaded Poland. Two days later, England and France declared war on Germany. By June 14th, 1940, Germany captured Paris. The United States had remained out of the war overseas, but after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, the United States declared war on both Japan, Germany, and Italy (Germany's war ally), and officially entering World War II. Until Paris fell to Germany, most fashion designers copied their designs from the French, this included designers in the United States where the norm had been to make inexpensive reproductions. Without Paris, Americans were forced to be innovative and create their own fashions. In the end, America would rise as the sportswear capital of the world, and American fashion would be the strongest fashion influence on the rest of the world".

At this time, The world war 2 was over which brought a "new look" for women. The new look had 

  • Soft, sloping shoulders, rather than the shoulder pads
  • Narrow waists
  • Skirts wrapped tightly over the hips
  • Full skirts

Origin: This "new look" originated by Christian Dior during 1947. She reintroduced Frances' fashion industry after a few years. This style also expresses the femininity by the rounded shoulders of the dresses and the tight waists. Toward the ends of these dresses they had slightly padded skirts with full skirts that hung just below the calves.

Purpose: This style reflected on the change in style of the century. Many teenagers started wearing shorter skirts and sweaters which lead into the 1950's. The purpose for these changes in style was the World War 2. World War 2 gave a new style and view of clothing by their uniforms. 

Value: At the end of World war 2, many things were being brought back to fashion. Many designers were designing new types of clothes. This type of style expressed the utility fashion many people wore during the world war 2. Many women started wearing pants or slacks during this time because it replaced the war time utility fashion. 

Limitations: This item doesn't tell a lot about the time period like if people thought it was a good or bad thing to dress in this type of style. It doesn't tell the other types or styles that people wore during this period.